These Books are the Stuff Kids’ Dreams are Made Of

I’ve always loved to read. Books are an escape from reality, and I think there’s something really special about losing yourself in an amazing story. I’ve always hoped that my kids would find the same enjoyment in reading, and so far I’m one for two—my three-year-old daughter Emiliana will choose books over toys any time of the day, and as for my seven-month-old son…well, only time will tell.

Emiliana is totally in her element whenever I’m reading her a story, so I knew that a new set of books would be cause for major excitement. But when I sat down with her to read her brand new personalized books from I See Me!, the only way I can describe her reaction is pure joy. Like I said, it’s fun to become immersed in a great story, but when your little one plays the starring role? That’s the stuff that kids’ dreams are made of.

Personalized Books from I See Me!

She chose My Very Happy Birthday first, and we opened the book to find a beautiful photo of my sweet girl on the inside cover—she was absolutely thrilled. The book follows along as a group of adorable animals plan a party for Emiliana, complete with a personalized invitation and a birthday cake that would make any three-year-old grin from ear to ear. You know that burst of happiness you experience when you can see how special your child feels? The look on her face when we closed the book at the end is etched in my mind and absolutely melted my mama heart.

Personalized Book from I See Me!

Next, we read My Farm Friends and 1-2-3 Blast Off with Me, both of which take the personalization a step further by incorporating your child’s photo into the illustrations. Between the two books, Emiliana was a farmer, an astronaut, a pilot, a firefighter and even an scuba diver. She loved seeing herself as the main character in these fun stories, and I love that we learned about animals, letters, numbers, colors and shapes along the way.

After we were done reading Emiliana’s books, we snuggled up with baby Everett to read Hello, World and It’s My Night Night Time. She was so excited to see a photo of her brother on the first page and hear his name throughout the stories. I can’t wait until he’s old enough to appreciate his personalized books just as much as his big sister loves hers.

Personalized Book from I See Me!

Personalized Book from I See Me!

Books definitely take a beating in the hands of little ones, and I See Me! books are hardcover and the pages are thick and durable to stand up to lots of use. From the cover and pages to the design and printing, these books are such high quality, and I know they’re going to become a treasured keepsake for both of my little ones.

With the beautiful illustrations and personalized covers, I See Me! books are the perfect finishing touch for the bookshelf in your little one’s nursery. They’re also an amazing gift for everything from welcoming a new baby to a preschooler’s birthday, and they take less than two weeks to arrive once you’ve placed your order! Check out the whole collection of personalized books and gifts on the I See Me! website.

PERK ALERT! Project Nursery readers can receive 20% off their I See Me! order by using the coupon code PROJECTNURSERY at checkout (valid through July 1, 2015). Plus, all orders of $75 or more qualify for free shipping.

To ensure this product fit our readers’ needs,
Project Nursery received samples for review.



Courtney and her husband live in their hometown in Upstate New York with three-year-old Emiliana and two-year-old Everett. When she's not tagging along on Emmi's latest adventure or playing with Everett and his ever-growing collection of cars and trucks, Courtney shares her passion for creativity by teaching art classes for kids at her studio, Small Fry Art Studio.


  1. Emiliana's Mom

    March 10, 2016

    Love this article! I also have a young daughter, Emiliana, who is crazy about books. I will have to look into these titles!

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