The clock is ticking! Don’t miss your chance to enter the $25,000 Fisher-Price Dream Nursery sweepstakes from now until April 5, 2015. You read that correctly—one lucky winner will get their Fisher-Price best possible start with a grand prize package that includes a dream nursery exclusively designed by Project Nursery, toys and gear from Fisher-Price, one year of bath and baby products from Johnson’s, a one-year supply of Huggies diapers, and more!
Project Nursery was thrilled to take some of the stylish, affordable Fisher-Price furniture collections and create four different nursery dream boards, suiting various tastes and styles. Take a look at these four dream boards now, and we know you’ll want to jump over to the Fisher-Price registration page immediately to enter. Hurry, April 5th is just around the corner!
Into the Woods Product Sources
Which is your favorite? Enter today!