February has been full of festivities! After hosting a Super Bowl party, a birthday party and a Valentine’s Day cookie decorating tea party, I have a whole new appreciation for the amount of time and effort our readers put into planning their parties. And after browsing the gallery, it looks like my house wasn’t the only one filled with events this month. Our readers uploaded a lot of fabulous celebrations, and our team had a blast selecting our February party finalists. Which one is your favorite? Cast your vote below, and the winner will take home a $50 gift card to The Project Nursery Shop!
Betsy’s Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Birthday by jessicaboro
Beth, of Project Nursery, says, “A striking color scheme plus a simple theme sprinkled cohesively throughout created a perfect party. You know the event was a success when you see one very happy baby as the guest of honor.”
Nautical Themed Baby Shower in Vintage Inspired Colors by zperfectparty
Melisa, of Project Nursery, says, “Nautical themes are always fun to see as they’re executed in different ways. In this case, I love the vintage colors and the preppy printables that just bring the theme to life in such an adorable way.”
A Rockin’ One Direction Birthday by Stacey
Pam, of Project Nursery, says, “My daughter and I almost started rockin’ it out together when we saw the photos of this One Direction party. The details are just perfect, from the rock star makeover tattoos and colored hair, to the make your own guitar craft and so much more. This party truly is one-of-a-kind.”
June’s Winter Nutcracker 1st Birthday Party by julinamarie
Halley, of Project Nursery, says, “I love all of the sparkly elements of this birthday party—they make it feel like it truly is a winter wonderland. I also appreciate the mint green—it’s a unique approach instead of the traditional icy blues that we typically see in winter party color palettes.”
Vintage Bunny Birthday by cwinchester
Courtney, of Project Nursery, says, “The vintage touches give this bunny birthday party such a sweet and special twist, and it doesn’t hurt that it features so many of my favorite things. Cake pops, a tissue tassel garland and the color gold—what’s not to love?”
Baby It’s Cold Outside Pink & Gold Baby Shower by Silvy
Sabrina, of Project Nursery, says, “Pink and gold are so glamorous to begin with, but throw in a gorgeous garland and a glitter tablecloth, and wow—it’s easy to see the power and glory of gold!”
Now it’s up to you to tell us which of these amazing parties is your favorite! Vote below, and please leave a comment because we’d love to hear why your pick got your vote. Voting ends on February 28th at 11:55pm PST, and the winners of best room and party will be revealed on Monday, March 2nd. Winners will receive a $50 gift card to The Project Nursery Shop. Good luck!
You may only vote once in a 24-hour period.
Vote for your Favorite "Party of the Month:"
- A Rockin' One Direction Birthday (2%, 11 Votes)
- Betsy's Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Birthday (4%, 19 Votes)
- Vintage Bunny Birthday (6%, 28 Votes)
- Nautical Themed Baby Shower in Vintage Inspired Colors (13%, 63 Votes)
- Baby It's Cold Outside Pink & Gold Baby Shower (31%, 156 Votes)
- June's Winter Nutcracker 1st Birthday Party (45%, 223 Votes)
Total Voters: 500

Interested in participating next month? Finalists are revealed on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. Upload your own projects to our Project Gallery now. Also, don’t forget to vote for your favorite Room Project this month!