The Kiinde Twist Feeding System

I’m really good at nursing my babies. I love the bonding and cuddles that go along with it, and as a stay-at-home mom, I’ve been lucky enough to almost exclusively breastfeed. Pumping is another story—I thought it would be just as easy, but it’s always been so frustrating for me. I tried when my daughter was little, but all I got out of it was a screaming baby who just wanted to be held and a few drops of breast milk, so I all but gave up.

With baby #2, I knew that with a two-year-old demanding my attention and to have a prayer of an evening off, I’d have to give pumping another try. And that’s where the Kiinde Twist came to my rescue and made pumping and bottle-feeding a whole lot easier this time around.

Kiinde Twist Feeding System

The Kiinde Twist feeding system is truly ingenious. Here’s how it works. Using the Direct-Pump adapters, you can attach the Twist Pouches to your pump (it works with all major brands!), allowing you to collect breastmilk where you’ll be storing it. When you’re done, put the leak-proof, twisting cap on the pouch, and place it in the freezer. The pouches are self-standing or you can lay them flat in the Keeper, an organizer with shelves for compact, neat storage. It’s such a time-saver to be able to pump directly into storage pouches because as all mamas know, every second counts!

When it’s time to feed baby a bottle, the Kiinde Twist Pouches (frozen or thawed) fit right into the Kozii, a really great breastmilk and bottle warmer. It uses a warm water bath to safely thaw and warm breastmilk storage bags or bottles without the risks associated with steam, boiling water or the microwave. The Kozii features an easy-to-use timer and automatic shutoff so you can reassure your baby yourself that baby will be fed in just a few short minutes.

The warm pouch of breastmilk snaps easily into the Squeeze natural feeding bottle, and the Active-Latch nipple pops on top. This trio of components comes together give breastfed babies a unique bottle-feeding experience. The pouches are collapsible to help eliminate gas, and the nipples are designed to ease the transition between breast and bottle by requiring a deep and wide latch, suction and massaging to get the milk out. And I think that’s a gift to all breastfeeding mamas.

Pumping and bottle-feeding are two things that I just wasn’t looking forward to with my second baby (sleep deprivation goes without saying), but I can honestly say that the Kiinde Twist feeding system addressed almost all of my worries. We all know that breastmilk is liquid gold, so when you work so hard for every single ounce, it’s a relief to know that you won’t lose a drop since there’s no transferring necessary from pumping all the way to bottle feeding. And because Kiinde has made it so easy to feed baby with a bottle that mimics breastfeeding, I no longer cringe at the sight of my breast pump.

All Kiinde products are designed and tested in the United States, and you can rest assured that safety and quality are top priorities. Check out Kiinde’s website to learn more about the Twist feeding system.

To ensure these products fit our readers’ needs,
Project Nursery received samples for review.



Courtney and her husband live in their hometown in Upstate New York with three-year-old Emiliana and two-year-old Everett. When she's not tagging along on Emmi's latest adventure or playing with Everett and his ever-growing collection of cars and trucks, Courtney shares her passion for creativity by teaching art classes for kids at her studio, Small Fry Art Studio.

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