Giveaway: My Carry Potty Prize Package

Let’s talk potty training. I’m finally able to bring up the subject to my daughter without immediately sending her running in the opposite direction, so I think she’s ready—fingers crossed. But with all of the different potty training options out there, how do I choose the one that’s right for her? Do I get her a potty chair or a seat that fits onto the toilet? Should I go for cute and colorful or just plain functional? And what am I supposed to do when we’re out and about and she tells me she has to go potty? It’s all very overwhelming for this first-time mama!

My Carry Potty was created with all of those things in mind, and it was designed by a mom, so you know she has considered all of your concerns and more. This week ten Project Nursery readers will each win the brand new My Carry Potty (choose from either the Cow or the Ladybug) and the book George & Hollie and the Magic Carry Potties (a $40 value each).

My Carry Potty Ladybug and Cow Prints

My Carry Potty is unique because it gives toddlers the comfort of using the same potty whether they’re at home or on the go. It’s made from high quality, durable and recyclable plastic that is lightweight, easy to clean and leak and odor proof. It only requires a quick rinse after use, but if you’re not able to empty it right away, just close the lid and take care of it when you can. The redesigned My Carry Potty is also taller with a bigger, elongated seat and a much taller splash guard—moms of little boys rejoice!

My Carry Potty in Cow Print My Carry Potty in Ladybug Print

But it’s not all about the function. My Carry Potty is sure to appeal to little boys and girls alike with the adorable new Cow and Ladybug prints (additional prints will be available this fall). And I’ve recently learned the importance of carrying your own belongings when you’re a toddler, so my daughter would love that My Carry Potty has a handle that makes it easy for her to tote around “by self.” Last but not least, each potty comes with George & Hollie and the Magic Carry Potties, a book that will help your little one to get excited about potty training—it even comes with a reward chart and stickers!

My Carry Potty Book

WIN IT! Ten Project Nursery readers will each win the brand new My Carry Potty (choose from either the Cow or the Ladybug) and the book George & Hollie and the Magic Carry Potties (a $40 value each, open to residents of the 48 contiguous US states only).

By entering our giveaway you agree to our official giveaway rules.

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Courtney and her husband live in their hometown in Upstate New York with three-year-old Emiliana and two-year-old Everett. When she's not tagging along on Emmi's latest adventure or playing with Everett and his ever-growing collection of cars and trucks, Courtney shares her passion for creativity by teaching art classes for kids at her studio, Small Fry Art Studio.


  1. Olivia a

    July 18, 2014

    These are fantastic and super cute!!!

  2. Cindy McElwee

    July 22, 2014

    Adorable ♥ truly ADORABLE !

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