Giveaway: Trunki Prize Package

My husband and I recently took our almost-two-year-old on her first big trip. While we were sitting on the airplane waiting to take off, I looked down at my sweet girl, and it hit me. We focused so much on the inevitable stress that we’d experience while traveling with a toddler that we didn’t think about how nervous this new experience might make her feel.

We had packed all of the essentials in our carry on—lollipops, snacks, toys, stickers and movies—but I’m positive that if she had her very own bag to carry her treasures, excitement would have replaced some of the nerves. Trunki creates products that make traveling with kids easier for you and more enjoyable for them, and this week we’re giving you the chance to add a whole lot of fun to your next family adventure. One Project Nursery reader will win a Trunki prize package, including two PaddlePaks (backpacks), a Trunki Suitcase, a Yondi (travel pillow), two Seatbelt Covers, two SnooziHedz (inflatable pillows with blankets) and two ride-on ToyBoxes (a $220 value).

Trunki Prize Pack

Trunki products are designed by a team of imagineers—how cool is that job title? Their goal is to make traveling with little ones an adventure rather than a headache, and they combine imagination with “a little bit of fairy dust” to design products for all kinds of journeys, from a day trip to the zoo to a voyage across the country or around the world.

PaddlePak by Trunki

Trunki is unique because they look at their products from your perspective and through the eyes of a child. While parents are the consumers, kids are the ones who will fall in love with that blanket, backpack or suitcase, so Trunki believes that personality is just as important as functionality when it comes to product design.

Clownfish PaddlePak by Trunki

Would your kids be as excited as mine to tote their belongings around in a PaddlePak that looks like a certain clownfish that we all know and love?

WIN IT! One Project Nursery reader will win a Trunki prize package, including two PaddlePaks, a Trunki Suitcase, a Yondi, two Seatbelt Covers, two SnooziHedz, and two ToyBoxes (a $220 value).

By entering our giveaway you agree to our official giveaway rules.

Please enter by using the giveaway widget below.

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Courtney and her husband live in their hometown in Upstate New York with three-year-old Emiliana and two-year-old Everett. When she's not tagging along on Emmi's latest adventure or playing with Everett and his ever-growing collection of cars and trucks, Courtney shares her passion for creativity by teaching art classes for kids at her studio, Small Fry Art Studio.


  1. Cindy McElwee

    May 6, 2014

    This Trunki~ Prize Package is so darn adorable ~ perfect ♥

  2. Globetrotting Mommy

    May 6, 2014

    These are the cutest!!

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