Clever Nursery Organization Ideas

Our readers have come up with some pretty clever nursery organization ideas. You don’t truly realize how many things a baby amasses until after your first baby shower—so many cute, tiny and often difficult to store items. We thought we’d share some of these innovative nursery storage ideas.

Clever Nursery Organization Ideas - Project Nursery

We love this mom’s clever idea of repurposing a vintage wire basket to hold important diaper changing necessities and small trinkets in her son’s adorable nursery.

Vintage Kitchen Basket Nursery Storage

image by Life in Bridgetown

Baby shoes are both notoriously difficult to store and adorably cute. We love this idea that keeps them organized and on display.

Baby Shoe Organization - Project Nursery

Baby B’s Modern Bird Nursery

Turn baskets on their sides, and you’ve got shelves! These wire baskets are both fun and functional.

Wire Basket Shelves - Project Nursery

Baby James Nevin’s Nest

Attach some pegs to the side of a dresser or changing table, and you’ve got added hanging storage.

Pegs on Changing Table - Project Nursery

We love the trend of hanging baskets, and it’s super easy to DIY. Here are two examples we found in the gallery.

Nursery Hanging Baskets - Project Nursery

Sweet Vintage Nursery

Hanging Personalized Tin Baskets - Project Nursery

Triplet Girls’ Nursery

Maximize closet or wardrobe space by hanging multiple levels of clothing bars with drawers, shelves or cubbies.

Organized Nursery Closet with Day of the Week Drawers - Project Nursery

Marin’s Big Girl Room

While you’re at it, don’t forget to decorate the closet too! These gold polka dots dress up a well-organized nursery closet.

Gold Polka Dots in Nursery Closet - Project Nursery

Kenley’s Nursery

Classic cubbies never get old for children’s storage. Sadly, the IKEA EXPEDIT (pictured below) is being phased out; luckily, its near lookalike, the KALLAX, will be available next month.

Nursery Cubby Storage - Project NurseryZoe’s Modern Nursery and Transitional Toddler Room

What are your favorite nursery organization tips? Please share with a comment below!



Beth, Project Nursery’s Editor, lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their two sons and daughter. Beth is a work-from-home mom who loves writing, crafting and all things kid design.


  1. Lauren Gibbs

    March 13, 2014

    These ideas are great, but I especially love the pegs on the side of the dresser. Would be great for getting an outfit ready or hanging a jacket to grab quickly when you need it. So cute!
    Home Style Love

  2. Rena

    March 23, 2015

    Anyone know where I can get baskets like these??

  3. Rena

    March 23, 2015

    Sorry I mean the wire baskets!

  4. Beth

    March 24, 2015

    Hi Rena, The room owner said she got them at TJ Maxx. Hopefully you can find some of your own!

  5. Caitlin

    November 6, 2015

    Anyone know where the closet organization drawers are from? The ones labeled with the days of the week?

  6. Rhonda

    January 10, 2016

    Where did you find those rings to hang the shoes

  7. Asia

    March 24, 2016

    Where did you find those rings to hang the shoes???!!!

  8. Beth

    March 24, 2016

    Hi Asia, There are a variety of clips available here.

  9. Amanda

    April 29, 2018

    Super cute ideas! Where are those three wicker hanging baskets from with the handle?

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