Before Cirque du Soleil, spectators gathered at the big top to watch larger-than-life performances and snack on salty and sweet favorites like caramel corn and airy spindles of cotton candy. We are pleased to see favorite childhood pastimes at the circus and carnival recreated in the birthday parties of today’s generation. This theme keeps popping up in our Project Gallery, where parents attempt to create the greatest party on Earth!
Charlie’s Carnival 1st Birthday by Jenny
Luke’s First Birthday Circus by Ashlee
Henry’s Circus 1st Birthday by Jenn
DIY Backyard 1st Birthday Cake Smash by mkollus
Veranda Circus Party-Demetris 1st Birthday by tania tsiligiri
For more inspiration or to upload photos from your nursery, big kid or party project visit our Project Gallery!
Yeah, these carnival-themed parties (and nurseries, too) are getting common. Maybe because it’s a really nostalgic theme.
Jillian Scotts
Carnivals may just be a beautiful memory someday. With big amusement or theme parks and bounce houses, our little ones may never get to experience true-blue carnivals.
Sad. Just like they might never get to know the beauty of snail mail with beautiful stamps.
Or those childhood games we enjoyed when we were little, like kites, hopscotch, tops, jack stones, etc.