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ZoLi Baby Product Review

Today Melisa is reviewing a couple products from ZoLi, including a worry-free baby nail trimmer, on Project Nursery’s YouTube Channel.

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Andrea Lowe

Sunday 5th of May 2013

I've never tried any fancy nail trimmers before, not even those little clippers with mirrors. Fortunately I've never had an accident!


Tuesday 30th of April 2013

Great timing! I'd be having a baby shower next month and I sure will include this amazing nail trimmer in my wishlist!

Ross Neytiri

Monday 29th of April 2013

Love the nail trimmer! That would make a perfect baby shower gift.


Tuesday 23rd of April 2013

I need that! It has been difficult to keep my newborn's nails trimmed and the regular nail file has been difficult to manage.