With spring cleaning comes the urge to redesign, so if you’re taking on the challenge of redesigning your kids’ rooms or starting a new nursery, Pam and Melisa are here to help! Our friends at NoJo will be hosting the Project Nursery duo on NoJo’s Facebook wall this Thursday at 1pm PDT/3pm EDT. They will be offering design tips, talking design trends and answering your design questions. Log on and get ready to start designing the nursery of your dreams.
Totally off-topic: what do you call this blue and white pattern?
Alison Mar
If I’m not mistaken, I think this is a type of latticework pattern. See this glossary of pattern design: http://www.artlandia.com/wonderland/glossary/
Alison Mar
You can also check this site out: http://lh6.ggpht.com/-7lytlaHW8zg/T2tM5vLk5aI/AAAAAAAAGjQ/qgwWH7b6C5k/s1600-h/pattern%252520collage%25255B3%25255D.jpg