The Party Dress goes e-glossy!

One of our favorite websites has launched an e-glossy (online) magazine! Project Nursery Contributor Kelly Lyden of The Party Dress is excited to share her first issue, packed with amazing party ideas for Spring! See the full version here.

How lucky are we?! Melisa & Pam got this beautiful spread in the magazine as a Party Dress mag contributor!

The e-glossy will be published every quarter. Get the party delivered to you by subscribing!



Adrienne LaRocque, an Event Planner in Los Angeles, is passionate about creating a memorable experience when entertaining. She started Eventful Adrienne in 2013, where she offers "Parties with Personality!"


  1. Emmy

    March 24, 2011

    Congratulations to Melisa and Pam, I think that their contribution to the Party Dress e-glossy would be something to look forward to in every issue. It just shows that if you love something, opportunities like this would surely come your way!

  2. Ingrid

    March 25, 2011

    Ah, another fun read! I love the magazine already and I love the resources guide! So comprehensive and all that. The fact that Melisa and Pam are contributing makes it more special!

  3. Renate Bridgewater

    August 5, 2011

    The following time I read a weblog,

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