Do you know what we love about this February? We’re hosting our first Twitter Party and would be thrilled if you could attend. This will be an interactive twitter chat, sharing thoughts on how families connect with their babies and nursery environment. All you need to bring is yourself, your computer, and a beverage if you like!
The hour will be a way to relax, win $50 AMEX GIFT CARDS from NoJo, and trade tips with us and other parents on how you share the love in your home.
When: Wednesday February 9, 2011 5pm-6pm PST
RSVP: Submit your RSVP starting now until the start of the party. Details below.
1. RSVP on the Linky below with your Twitter name. This makes you eligible for prizes at the party.
2. Follow @ProjectNursery and @NojoBedding on Twitter. If you don’t have a twitter account, sign up is free!
3. Tweet the following anytime on Wednesday 2/9: Have kids? Twitter Party tonight 5pm PST hosted by @ProjectNursery. Cash prizes from @NojoBedding #ShareTheLove
4. Join the #ShareTheLove party here on Wed. February 9th 5pm-6pm PST.
Looking forward to it. See you there! :)
Paula C.
Thank you! Can’t wait, see ya there! @sexyknickers68
I’m afraid that I might have to miss this one as things are hectic at the office for these past few days. I’d be happy to see how the chat went on though, so I’m hoping you could post a transcript of sorts!
I’ve RSVPd…. see you there!
I RSVP’d – sounds like fun!
@AutumnNColorado I have tweeted!
I am following @ProjectNursery and @NojoBedding on Twitter!
I have a four month old little girl, she cooed that she will be attending. Doesn’t know if she’ll be asleep or awake though. :)
Cheryl Christian
RSVP’d and will be there. ;)
Flavia @cutenursery
Sounds lots of fun. We’ll talk about my favorite subject. My first Twitter party Im excited!
danielle s
rsvp’d! ill be there! :)
Toni Moore
This is a great site and tomorrow’s party sounds like fun! I’ll be there @VectoringMomma :)
I’ll be there
I will be there @purplelaptop2
Marjorie Tellez
Heather Maxwell
Sounds great!! RSVP’D!
RSVP’D! I’ll be there!
kate m
rsvp’d, I”ll be joining for my first twitter party and first time on twitter so I’m excited
Cindy C @cin_20
Sounds awesome!! Can’t wait. I tweeted
Looking forward to it! I sent out my tweet!
I tweeted today!
Can’t wait for the party tonight!
Wanda H
see you there @wandadh
April B
So happy to join !
Jill H
Looking forward to it. Thank you. @jillyrh
Kathy K
I am all RSVP’d can’t wait until 8pm (my time) @UnKatchable73
Doro P
So excited!
I tweeted today!!/AutumnNColorado/status/35477795937193984
Brenda Andrews
Follow tweeted and rsvp!
Betty N
Thanks just found out about the party!
Shannon Schulte
Looking forward to it @sethandshannon2
Emily Smith
sorry I’m late!
sounds amazing! rsvp @lovemykeiki
I am there @vidia2be
Candy Lane
Mine is Tonysgirl03 and my info is