Gallery Round Up: Primary Colors for Baby

Our photo gallery is a collection of rooms from soft pink hues to lime green accents. Browsing those pages we can find damask accent walls and bold striped ceilings. Also, not to be overlooked is some of the trends that started it all, like primary colors.

This nursery titled exploring primary colors is part of an historical Michigan home. The designers wanted to stay true to the feel of the house, so they incorporated maps, globes and antique pieces.

Who says blue, yellow, and red have to be simple? Amalia’s nursery is fun, eclectic, and gender neutral!

Primary colors and Scandinavian flair were the influences for this bold and bright nursery.

Share your rooms with us by uploading to our member gallery and you may be the next featured designer in our Gallery Round Up!



Adrienne LaRocque, an Event Planner in Los Angeles, is passionate about creating a memorable experience when entertaining. She started Eventful Adrienne in 2013, where she offers "Parties with Personality!"


  1. Amanda

    January 18, 2011

    When it comes to nurseries, I think that a combination of primary colors works for both gender. So I think red, yellow and blue are the most gender-neutral color combo there is.

  2. Joanna Morgan

    January 25, 2011

    Yeah, you can never go wrong with primary colors. The combination will always come out bright and colorful and always safe.

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