Gallery Roundup: Have No Fear, Color is Here!

There’s nothing that makes me happier in a room than the perfect shade of yellow. This Nursery for Little P by Meandwee uses a creamy buttercup hue to add a splash of color that’s gender neutral and calming. The bedding selection and choice of wall decor lend to the room’s truly unique vintage feel.

This Fuschia Modern Room by Michelle Waldo Interiors packs a strong punch in all the right ways. The balance of fuchsia and white will make for a smooth transition from nursery to toddler room. If her favorite color doesn’t change this child could be enjoying this room well into her teens.

Rain or shine, these party guests will have a good time. What we like about this  Bloomin’ Garden Birthday Party by Lilli Design is how everything is comfortable and inviting. What a vibrant and playful area to curl up with one of those pillows and share some cupcakes and crock pot treats!



Adrienne LaRocque, an Event Planner in Los Angeles, is passionate about creating a memorable experience when entertaining. She started Eventful Adrienne in 2013, where she offers "Parties with Personality!"


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