Mellow Yellow

I am happy to announce that I am pregnant with baby number two! And now that my morning sickness is subsiding, I’m smiling again and the pep is back in my step!  In about two weeks, I’ll learn the sex of my baby. I cannot wait to get this nursery makeover underway. I hope you’ll follow along as I flip flop between design ideas, select colors and search high and low for more inspiring decor.

Image via Domino
Image via Domino

In the meantime, I’ve been dreaming up gender-neutral design boards in my head and a buttery yellow is calling for me.  I’ve been searching for everything and anything yellow. I eventually had to stop and ask myself, “If yellow is so mellow, why is it so aggravating searching for fabulous yellow inspired nurseries on the worldwide web? And why are some people telling me that a yellow room represents depression? Here are few inspiring designs that are certain to delight both baby and me.

Image via Benjamin Moore contestant. Visit to vote and win!
Image via Benjamin Moore contestant. Visit to vote for this nursery and win!

Image via Serena & Lily
Image via Serena & Lily
Melisa Fluhr

Melisa Fluhr

With a passion for decorating and design, it was Melisa's experience as a first time mom, that inspired her to start Project Nursery.


  1. Glen

    July 20, 2009

    Congratulations on your lovely news! ..
    Yellow is one of my favourite Nursery/Baby colours and blends beautifully with Pink or Blue so whether you have a boy or a girl your accessory additions will just add to the beauty.. I never think of Yellow as depressing , quite the opposite I think of it as sunny and delightful, bright and fresh
    Whatever you decide to do I’m sure it will be inspirational xx


    July 20, 2009

    Congratulations!! I love the yellow rooms! I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

  3. Jessica

    July 20, 2009

    Congratulations Melisa!! How exciting! I love yellow and think it is really fresh and different in the nursery sea of pink, blue and green (especially the yellow in that nursery photo you posted). Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

  4. Beth

    July 20, 2009

    Congratulations Melisa!!!! How exciting. Great choice with the yellow and I know your baby’s nursery will be stylish and unique. I truly love the bright yellow with black nursery in today’s post!

  5. AEOT

    July 20, 2009

    Many congratulations! I love hearing such wonderful news. Yellow is a great color for a nursery, and I love the yellow and white striped ceiling above! How wonderful to look at and how visually stimulating when lying in a crib.

  6. PA

    July 20, 2009

    Love the yellow! Looking for yellow crib bedding myself but it so difficult to find and nice bright modern yellow!

  7. Kim - The TomKat Studio

    July 20, 2009

    Congratulations, Melisa! I am so happy for you!! I LOVE the yellow! The Serena & Lily room is one of my favorites….pink & yellow…YUM! I will be looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Whatever it is will be fabulous, I’m sure!

  8. Casey

    July 20, 2009

    Congratulations!! I’m a big fan of yellow too

  9. Charm City Mama

    July 20, 2009

    Congratulations! I, too, was inspired by the Jenna Lyons (black,white, yellow) nursery in Domino for my gender-neutral baby room. The utility of being able to raise our babies in the same nursery was highly attractive. In fact I recently featured my finished product on my blog ( Feel free to take a peak.I “shout out” PN all the time.

  10. wanderluster

    July 20, 2009

    How funny… I’ve visited your site for inspiration for my nursery and was just going to submit the finished room for your Real Rooms gallery… when what do I see in your blog post but my pics :) That’s my room I submitted for the Benjamin Moore contest. You can see the transformation of the room, and new pics of the finished window seat, on my blog

    Congratulations on your news! Whether boy or girl, I think yellow is a perfect nursery colour. Its a sunny backdrop with the morning light and a soothing space at night with the curtains drawn. And it works well with so many other colours. Can’t wait to see what you end up doing with your nursery!

  11. Emily

    July 20, 2009

    Congratulations! I love the sunny yellow!

  12. Jill

    July 20, 2009

    Congrats Melisa!!! So exciting! I CANNOT wait to see the nursery design and would love to see the process devlelop – so yes, please share! (Love the nursery pics featured here, too!) Wish you the best, Jill.

  13. ladygrammyjane

    July 20, 2009

    First off this Grammy to be is glad you are feeling better! Congrats…and oh the joy of finding out…girl or boy! Looks to me with a yellow room the “new” little sunshine in your life will be very happy! We’re wprking on the nursery for my new Gran-babe due November 1st! This is so fun….we have a 100 percent pink confirmation that a princess is coming to our world! Will follow to see what your next babe is! Again to all in your lil family…yellow sunshine…and rainbows too!

  14. Little Apple Design LA

    July 20, 2009

    Thank you everyone for your beautiful comments! I so appreciate your support and the support you have shown to our little blog here, Project Nursery! XO, Melisa

  15. Diapers and Divas

    July 20, 2009

    I love the idea of a yellow nursery! I think it’s bright and cheery, and definitely a good stimulating color for a young mind. ;)

  16. Morgan - Mon Petit Amour

    July 20, 2009

    Love love love yellow in a nursery! Glad to see my blog friend Wanderluster’s nursery featured! It is beautiful!

  17. Sara

    July 21, 2009

    We just received a referral for a beautiful 5 week old baby from Ethiopia last week. I’m leaning toward a yellow nursery, too! So glad I found your site!

  18. Rebecca

    July 22, 2009

    Yippee!!!! I am soooo excited for you! This will be fun to watch your nursery evolve. Did I mention to you we are having a boy?? Let the designing begin! Congrats!

  19. Sarah

    July 23, 2009

    that first picture is so beautiful!

  20. deb

    August 31, 2009

    I love the idea of a yellow nursery. i think the white and yellow stripes are very striking.
    I would like to where you bought the crib and the dresser from?

  21. Jeff

    November 17, 2010

    These rooms are so nice looking. I wish I could decorate like this!
    Absolutely beautiful!

    Great article!


  22. Annette D

    November 29, 2010

    The room is so bright and cheery! I love it!

  23. Aimee Pastoor

    June 23, 2011

    PLEASE!!!! tell me what the color in the second photo is!!!!

  24. Nikki

    May 6, 2012

    Hi! I love the picture of the room with the yellow stripes on the ceiling. Would you be able to find out where that dresser is from? I’ve been looking for a dresser for my son’s room, and I love that navy/black one!

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