The rocker is an essential nursery element but don’t you think the standard glider is so boring? Looking for something with cleaner lines, bolder colors and with a longer life span? I’m loving this cool Eddy Rocker. Comes in lots of bright colors and patters (Marimekko anyone?) to add punch to any kid room. Find it at ducduc. I’m seeing beanbags everywhere these days but my favorite is by the team of DwellStudio and Fatboy. The entire collection is brilliant. Not only are they super comfy and versatile but they are made of a wipe clean wonder fabric that can withstand all those sticky hands. Fatboy – The name alone is reason enough to love it.
smot kesato
Tuesday 24th of March 2015
wow good design for child, i hope that product safe
fail video
Saturday 28th of May 2011
total crap male
Saturday 9th of October 2010
Good, in case you are interested much more about Electrolux cleaner bags, ensure to check out as well.