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    Clean Simple Contemporary Nursery on Budget


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      1. Dandelion

        April 1, 2011

        The colors you used are so refreshing and the whites make everything look so clean. I also like your mobiles — both the one by the crib, and the one above the changing table.

      2. Ysczabel

        April 6, 2011

        I’m really not a fan of modern graphic prints, like the print on the lamp and the elephant artwork, but overall, this room looks contemporary, simple and great.

      3. doubleds

        April 20, 2011

        I love the colors you used!  And I can’t believe that you purchased the crib and dresser at wal-mart…they look so high end.  You definitely acheived the modern/contemporary on a budget.  Great job!  I am in the process of putting my son’s nursery together…finally found the crib and now just waiting for it to arrive.  My lil guy is 6 months now…thanks for the inspiration!

      4. Carson Cataliotti

        April 24, 2011

        I love your colors too!!!! The elephant artwork is so fun and modern!

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