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Nikki Miller

Nikki lives in a small town suburb in New Jersey with her husband and energetic three-year-old boy, Logan. When she isn't searching for the next hottest baby item for The PN Shop, she loves to stay busy and spends her time on-the-go with her family and friends.

Picture this: You’re five months pregnant with baby #2, you sold your home in 72 hours (and you don’t have a new one yet), and you need to be moved out and moved in with family all in one super quick month. Add in a three-year-old to the mix, and you quickly realize those nursery plans you had been dreaming up might take a backseat for now. […]

Read More about The Sweetest Little Nursery Nook in a Master Bedroom

We asked ourselves over and over as we prepped for Baby #2’s arrival—should we get a double stroller? We thought with an age gap of almost four years and a toddler who refused the stroller on most days that he would much rather walk, and a single stroller would do the job just fine. Fast-forward to our first outing as a family of four and cue the toddler meltdown when he realized there was no seat for him, and he actually had to walk—rookie parent mistake. […]

Read More about Half the Size + Double the Fun

One day our toddler woke up basically a teenager who was way too cool for the stroller. Refusing to ride in the stroller was giving me ALL the anxiety, and with our second baby due any day, I was really starting to panic about how we were going to venture out with two kids in tow in our (very) near future. That is until I met the Veer Cruiser. […]

Read More about The Little Red Wagon Reinvented